Waking Up Early 101
Even if the bags are Prada, here are some tips to help manage early morning wake-ups free from mental or physical toll xo
1. Breakfast
Yes, I know everyone says that bReAkFaSt iS tHe mOsT iMpOrTaNt mEaL, but truly, the morning meal is responsible for kickstarting the metabolism and balancing blood sugar for consistent energy (rather than experiencing crashes later in the day). Additionally, breakfast helps to bring down our natural cortisol levels (our main stress hormone) which are naturally highest in the morning. If high cortisol levels persist throughout the day, we can enter a "fight or flight" mode associated with the body's physiological response to stress via the sympathetic nervous system. For this reason, aim to eat breakfast within the first few hours after waking up to curve this cortisol response.
2. Zero-Rush Policy
Plan accordingly: avoid rushing out the door by leaving yourself good buffer time in the mornings. Our wake-up routine can set the tone for the rest of the day ahead, so starting off on the right foot is essential! For me, sitting down to eat breakfast in the AM is a non-negotiable, so I allot time for this by getting to bed 15 minutes earlier to waking up 15 minutes earlier. Think of this not as 15 minutes less sleep, but 15 minutes more to show up to your day prepared and in a headspace ready for success. When you arrive at your first stop of the day with calm energy & sense of preparation, this attracts more good energy to follow.
3. Seamless Set-Up
You can further set yourself up for success by setting out your morning/ work/ school clothes the night prior. Place items in your bag that are important for the next day, or anything you might forget to throw in before you leave the next morning. be proactive! I even go as far as to place my mug under the coffee machine with my pod inside (& make sure the water is filled up!), it's the little things like this that make your morning seamless.
4. Sleep-Wake Cycles & Circadian Rhythm
Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that play a significant role in establishing the body's internal clock. the term comes from the Latin phrase "circa diem", meaning "around the day". Our circadian rhythms run continuously in the background, ensuring that we process and function optimally throughout a 24-hour period. One of the key circadian rhythms is our sleep & wake cycle; coordinating optimal processes at various points in the day, determining what is day vs. night, and coordinating mental and physical systems. When sleep is aligned with our circadian rhythm, we can achieve a consistent and restorative quality of sleep. What does this look like? A key component to this is getting to bed at relatively the same time at night, and waking up at relatively the same time in the morning. Large fluctuations in this schedule lead to deviation from your rhythm, setting off multiple other systems in consequence. Sometimes an exact 7 am wake-up every single day just isn't attainable; our weekend sleep-ins can be restorative too. however, with this in mind, I am to wake up just a few hours later than usual on my Saturdays as opposed to mid-day or afternoon. This may sound difficult at first, but compounding over time, it can be well worth it when the early wake-ups on weekdays become easier & easier given less drastic changes throughout the week.
5. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Set a glass of water at the side of your bed to drink first thing you wake up. This is the best morning kickstart and way of hydrating before you eat anything. Drinking water before all else is linked to positive impacts on the lymphatic system, enhanced immune function, and increased metabolism.